Resume 2.0 for Developers

Ever wondered how you rank among fellow software developers?

Join the only platform that uses AI and 10+ integrations to measure the performance of anyone who codes.

Trusted by Software Engineers across the Globe

Romania, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, UK, Portugal, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Netherlands, Ireland, Moldova, Greece, USA, Canada, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, India, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Kenya, New Zealand.

Developers first

Slashscore defines who you are as a developer taking into account not only professional activities but also things that you enjoy doing in your spare time.

Made by Developers for Developers

Score calculation

Slashscore measures your tech skills and knowledge continuously by generating scores that are crucial to your success.


Contributing not only increases your scores but it also can open up a world of rewarding opportunities.


Create a profile and let recruiters from all over the world approach you directly, so you can compare offers side by side.

Home Feed

Score listing including scores improvements
Profile visibility status
Contribution board
Home feed
Activity dashboard

Activity Dashboard

Score History
Profile ranking
Rank-based profile comparison

My profile

Personal information
My coding preferences
My profile

Top integrations for your Score Calculation

For calculating your Professional Score, Extra Score and Community Score, besides AI, Slashscore uses several metrics extracted from platforms such as Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket (coming soon), Stackoverflow, Medium, and others.

Slashscore provides a score calculation system that gives priority to your abilities and potential, rather than background or academic credentials.

Professional Score

It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced developer or a newbie, as long as you have knowledge in using modern technologies in your work to make outstanding software products.

This score is calculated using a machine-learning algorithm trained with public data provided by integrating Slashscore with GitHub, Gitlab or Bitbucket (coming soon) accounts.

Extra Score

To stand out among hundreds of other developers, apart from showing your expertise, you can build your personal brand.

With Slashscore you have the opportunity to measure and showcase your soft skills such as problem-solving and logical thinking by integrating your Stackoverflow account. You can also assess your level of written and verbal communication by connecting your Medium or Meetup account.

Community Score

We welcome feedback that shows gratitude and appreciation such as “What I really appreciate about you is….” or “I think you did a great job when you….”.

You can share the link to your profile page with colleagues, managers or clients, and their feedback will be showcased on your Slashscore profile.

Popularity Score

Coming soon...

About us

Slashscore is developed and marketed by Wingravity - a software development company with clients based in Europe and the USA.

We've had in mind the idea of developing our own product ever since 2017. At the time we were calling it "the resume of the future for anyone who codes."

In 2020, we turned client downtime caused by the pandemic into an advantage, as we decided to double down on growth rather than pull back, and we finally got to focus our efforts and resources on our dream product called Slashscore.






UX/UI & Graphic Designer


Machine Learning Engineer


Front-End Developer


Full Stack Developer

Get more out of Slashscore


Slashscore for Developers

How Slashscore was born The idea behind Slashscore started in 2017 when we were internally debating “What defines who you are” as a developer? We took this to the next step by asking ourselves “Having so many developers with…

Slashscore Product Overview & Features

Slashscore is an innovative platform that bridges the gap between skilled software engineers and tech recruiters. On one hand, the platform enables software developers to perform self-assessments, by gathering all the relevant…

Join our Slack Community

In this workplace you can share your experience with Slashscore as well as ask for help if you encounter any problems while using it. It's also the place where you can chat away with fellow Slashscore fans from all around the world.

We will also take notice of any useful feedback you share in #slashscore-feedback so that we can continue to improve our product.

You can join our community at any time - just fill out the information below and we'll send an invite to you right away!

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